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The Difference Between Wood, Fiberglass, & Iron Doors

The most common doors for residential applications tend to be made of either wood or fiberglass, although iron doors are a third option which add appeal to the outside and interior of any home. Iron doors have a timeless grace about them, they show guests and potential buyers when the house goes up for sale the current homeowner cares enough about the house to take the extra steps to assure thoughtful design and high quality materials. There are a few considerations toward wrought iron doors pros and cons during a discussion about which style will best suit the needs of any particular home. Scroll below to find out the best material for exterior doors!

Fiberglass Door vs. Wood

To first discuss the more common doors built of wood or fiberglass, there are disadvantages of fiberglass doors as well as ways they outperform wood. The most obvious aspect of such doors is that wood is timeless and vinyl doesn’t usually imply the same quality standard. Custom fiberglass doors don’t shrink and swell as seasons change like wood doors tend to do and therefore are often considered the best exterior doors for cold weather. There are quality built fiberglass doors which look better than the cheapest available doors, but they still look like fiberglass even when painted or with a faux finish application.

Wood doors are much more secure than fiberglass, and look nicer. The problem with wood doors is as they age, they swell during summer humidity, making them hard to open and close. Transversely, they shrink during winter weather, allowing for drafts. During the life of a wooden door there is a peak time when they are still new enough to look nice and function properly, afterwards they tend to crack or spread apart at the joints between pieces.

Iron Door vs. Fiberglass

Iron doors solve the problems of fiberglass and wood doors. Iron doors are solid, secure, and look gorgeous. Iron doors in cold weather and hot weather don’t have the same negative aspects as wooden doors; they don’t shrink and swell, and don’t lose function or appearance over time. The most obvious downside of a forged iron door is it’s going to be more expensive than wood or fiberglass. The expense is justified according to the house it is installed in and the neighborhood where the house is, as the extra expense is worth its value considering the iron and glass it is built from. The door will add value to the home if the owners plan to sell in the future, or is not a considerable extra expense for the family who plans to live the rest of their lives in the same home.

Final Considerations

  • Fiberglass and iron doors, which can be considered the best entry doors for 2020? That’s a question only you can answer according to what you want for your home.

  • There are very nice doors made of wood or fiberglass, which might work better in some situations.

  • Iron doors are always going to be the highest quality and worth the expense in terms of how well they work immediately and hold their value over time.

Get Custom Wrought Iron Doors

If you’re interested in a modern iron door, give us a call at Forever Custom Iron Doors. With no obligation on your part, we’ll be happy to send a representative out at your convenience to discuss the available options and design ideas for your home. Or you can scroll through our iron door design catalogue to generate ideas for your own entry doors.

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